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Beautiful Things

As a woman, I love beautiful things. All the flowers and the array of colors they come in, the décor of a space well put together, the sweet fragrance in a beautiful atmosphere, the architecture of a well-designed building and let me not forget, the sparkling of gems on jewelry. All the beautiful things. But what is beauty worth when going through trials of life? Is beauty only to be found in things? Not at all. It goes deeper than material things. The beauty of the fruit of the Spirit for one is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Having this fruit present in your life is precious if you operate through it. One of the many beautiful things God gives.

We hear and are reminded that God works all things out for our good. Last night, as I was having bible study with my children, I gave them the analogy of positives and negatives. You see, my household has been going through quite a bit of transitions for the past several years. From sickness, death, a new addition to our household from it, and the most recent, my leaving my job of over a decade on a word I received for rest and power. We are as a family waiting upon the Lord for additional direction.

For every negative thing, there comes a positive, I said. Our perception is always key though. How we choose to look at the hard things in life will determine our positivity in the end. Having personally experienced many hard times in my life, I explained to them, my dependency on God would increase and I would be reminded of the times before that He delivered me. Each time served as a reminder that while I was going through the storm, He would not allow it to overtake me.

Isaiah 43:2 says, “When you pass through the water, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.”

Just like He was for me, God is for you! God has never failed me. My confidence is in Him and prayer is my weapon against all the things that come against me. Not only that but His word, that stands the test of time, is a beautiful thing. They are promises! He is not a man that He should lie! See, it doesn’t matter the ugliness of the circumstance or situation, God is always good, and God is faithful to complete what He has started in you. Where is your trust? Is it in man or in the Almighty? Where is your frustration? Do you know that God is able to handle it? Are you taking it out on the wrong people? When was the last time you spent time in the Word seeking His answers to your problems rather than social media sound bites? I get it. I’ve been there. I’ve done that. But I’ve learned. And now I share these wisdom pearls with you.

I’ve learned to worship Him wholly in both the good and the bad in life. I know that great is His faithfulness and I will never forget how He has been there time and time again. I learned that God doesn’t cause bad things to happen, and He is not to blame. I’ve learned that God forgets my sin that I’ve asked for forgiveness on and He doesn’t bring it up, I do. I’ve learned that my faith grows each time I go through something hard and as I share my faith, He rewards me with more faith. Faith to move mountains. Speaking of mountains, another thing I’ve learned is that I am my biggest mountain. I am the one who can slow the pace of my miracle being received due to my own unbelief, my own doubt, my thinking that it’s by my ability and not His. But Oh, if it weren’t for His mercies being new every morning, where would I be?

God turns mourning into dancing, He gives beauty for ashes, He turns bones into armies, He makes us more than conquerors! We are overcomers! Victors, not victims! Perception, I told my children, is everything! In our weakness, He is made strong!

When going through the pains of life we question, can anything good come from such a hard and trying season? The answer is yes. The pain of grief and loss has made me appreciate the life we have even more. The things we normally take for granted brings new light. Having experienced lack, I know how to steward the income He provides by the works of my hand and the sweat of my brow. It’s a beautiful thing to be a blessing and not a burden to others. Having a community around you that supports you because you have been there to support them is a reciprocal process. We are to give just like what’s been given to us. We do to others that we want done for us. You have to ask yourself here, am I always asking for things but never giving back? If the answer is yes, it’s never too late to repent and start doing something different. Volunteer at the church or local food bank. Giving is not just financial, it is your time too. Start with what you have. If you say you don’t have time, then you need to rethink your schedule. No apologies here, but I have the privilege of serving alongside many single mothers in the church and I know they burn the midnight oil. Truth is, where there is a will, there is always a way. God points out to us, where your heart is, there is your treasure. Where is your heart my friend?

Are you ready to see and experience the beautiful things in life? I woke up this morning thanking God for a new day. I have an opportunity to share my heart with you here today.

God makes beautiful things out of the dust. He created us from the dust and when He made us, He was well pleased. You are part of the beautiful process. Lean in. Press in. Sit in silence. Listen. Do you hear that? He is for you! His blessing and His favor is upon you!

Let’s walk this life out in the beautiful things that He has already provided.

Your little pearl – Perlita

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