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Covered By The Blood

In the Bible, the concept of ‘death’ carries immense spiritual significance. It represents the separation from God due to sin, the consequences of our fallen nature, and the potential for eternal separation from Him if we do not find redemption. One of the most powerful Biblical illustrations of the need to cover our lives and families with the blood of the Lamb is found in the Old Testament, specifically in the book of Exodus.

During the Exodus, when the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt, God sent ten plagues to secure their liberation. The final and most significant of these plagues was the angel of death, sent to claim the lives of the firstborn in every household. However, God provided a means of salvation. He instructed the Israelites to take a spotless lamb, sacrifice it, and mark their doorposts with its blood. When the angel of death passed through the land, it recognized the blood and “passed over” those homes, sparing the firstborn.

In this biblical account, we see a profound truth that is as relevant today as it was back then. Just as the angel of death sought to bring destruction upon the homes of the Israelites, the spiritual forces of darkness may attempt to disrupt and destroy our lives and families. But when our lives and homes are covered with the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, something incredible happens. Death has to flee. It cannot touch what is protected by the redeeming blood of Christ.

Take this moment and say, ‘Lord, I cover my family with your precious blood. I ask for protection over my kids at school. May my marriage remain unshaken and unbroken, shielded by your grace. God, if I’ve opened any doors in my home, I close them right now in Jesus’ name. And I trust that what the enemy meant for evil, you will turn it for good.

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