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Embracing Our Authentic Selves

How many times have we tried to show others that we’ve changed? It can be our spouse, kids, or even coworkers. There’s this feeling of wanting to prove we’re doing better, whether it’s our attitude, how we communicate, or heck, even our weight! But really, what we’re saying is we’re insecure and seeking approval.

I gotta admit, I’ve been there so many times. Sometimes, without even realizing it, I drop hints to people about the progress I’ve made in life, like I need their validation. The thing is, when we look for human approval, we’ll always feel like ‘I’m not good enough.’

But you know what? If this hits home for you, just remember we should be going after God’s approval and acceptance. His love has no strings attached, and He accepts us just as we are. It’s so refreshing to know that our creator made us exactly like this. So what if sometimes we struggle with stuttering or our clothes don’t match what everyone else is wearing? Embrace yourself and let God shine in the areas that need acceptance.

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