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Job vs. Assignment

1 Corinthians 3:16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?

Job vs. Assignment

Did you know that your work is your worship? What we do in the workplace is as an offering to God. What does that even mean? Well, for those who have some notion of God in their life, it means that wherever you go, He goes, because He is within you. You are His light in this world. For those who have never stepped foot in a church or perhaps had a bad church experience, your way of living is what will draw others to God or away from God. Your work ethic, your genuine love and respect for people, your willingness to serve others is what will appeal to anyone. Not the opposite; attitude, lies, deceit, half-done work output, and grumbling.

I recently finished a bible study regarding this subject, hosted by author and speaker, Nona Jones, and she put it beautifully, “Your job is what you do to get a paycheck, but your assignment is where God has placed you to bring Him into the workplace.” What a concept! The common misconception is that the church is a building, but the reality is that YOU ARE THE CHURCH. You are the hands and feet of Jesus!

During my career life, I can honestly say that I made lifelong connections. Why is that though? Well, anywhere I worked I always made it more than just work; I made it about community and friendships. A lot of that came naturally from my personality, but it doesn't take much effort to be kind. I would allow my peers a space for having their voice heard, be it about the job or their personal life. I would encourage them or provide advice.

Hear me out. I did not always get it right. I found myself gossiping from time to time and that had its ramifications too, But I did try my best to pour into those around me. What do you mean pour into those around me? Glad you asked! It wasn’t me praying heaven down, or preaching a sermon to them, (although I would pray for them), but it was in the way I gave them time, heard them out, and spoke life over their situation. Showing genuine care for what they were going through. Even if you don't have someone's life story being given to you, it can be as simple as ensuring to smile throughout the day, stopping in to ask how things are going, or even the occasional email response that lets them know that THEY ROCKED and/or they are appreciated. Being Jesus in the most simplistic form, that is the assignment.

Can I tell you that the Lord has used me in more ways than one from doing so? In my last tenure, my office became known as “Little Church of P,” as I had a large P hanging in my office that was given to me by a peer. Multiple comments were made on how inviting my office was and how the décor was warming. And yes, I would spray a divine scent that just made you step in and go, "mmm... it smells so good in here!" Atmosphere does make a difference. The Lord gave me numerous opportunities to share His goodness with others and to just love folks and give them a word of encouragement. I shared countless stories of how the Lord brought me through some hard times in my life and how He always provided. On one occasion after years of speaking into an individual, I was able to lead them through the prayer of salvation before they separated from the workplace! Look at GOD! It was that person’s last day at work! You can’t make this stuff up! Who knew that your assignment in the workplace can have eternal ramifications?!

So, take a moment and evaluate how you are conducting yourself in the workplace. Are you merciful, do you extend grace, do you work with purpose or are you begrudgingly doing the job for a paycheck? Go forward and be the light! Go from Paycheck to Purpose and know that you are in fact on assignment.

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