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Planted in Anticipation

Sowing seeds of faith for a heavenly harvest.

Horticulture - A subject I am not well acquainted with. Who am I kidding, I’m pretty sure I can kill an air plant! But hear me out. I can relate more than you think. You see, I know there is a practice of patience involved with managing and cultivating that which has been planted. I also know that one can love and appreciate the beauty that comes from the flourishing of what has been planted and tended to by others. Where am I going with this? Well funny thing, this made me think of how prayer works in our lives.

Let’s think about it for a minute here. The planting of seeds is like the planting of prayers. Each prayer, like a seed, is specific to that which we want to reap. There is a hope and anticipation that there will be something to come of what was put into the soils of the heavenlies. We have hope in our prayers coming into fruition.

Like many, I’m sure, I tend to be a little short on patience while waiting for my prayers to be answered in Gods timing. But I’ve learned that nothing good lasts that comes too quickly. I get it. We live in a microwave/fast-food society where we want things now. However, in that process we are sacrificing the nutritional value and love put into a good homecooked meal. Something that takes time, care in preparation and allowing for things to marinate just sounds better and more appetizing than from frozen to microwave. God has something good planned for us and our future. He’s had it fashioned and simmering since the beginning of time. MMMMM…Can you even begin to imagine the fragrance of all the goodness that has been poured into it?

Okay Lord, I’ll wait. Your timing is always best!

Gods’ ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and can I just take a minute here to say how grateful I am for those unanswered prayers that didn’t come to pass! Woo! Thank you Lord for knowing what was best for me!

You see, God knows the condition of the soil of our landscapes we sow into or want to sow into for that matter. He knows the kind of seeds that are good and strong, those that are indeed dormant and those that are bad. We should just rely and depend on His mastery of horticulture to guide us. Afterall, He is the ultimate Farmer’s Almanac and we should be referring back to Him in it all!

What do we do about the prayers that haven’t come to pass yet? I don’t have all the answers but I’m with you. I know there have been many prayers that have been planted throughout the years that just didn’t bloom or maybe they did but not as we may have wanted them to. But that’s okay too! Remember, nothing is by chance. There is a plan behind it. Some take years to establish a strong enough root system before making their appearance known. Others sprout but take decades to have their flower bloom. Take for instance the corpse flower, yes you read that right. The corpse flower is native to the rainforests of central Sumatra. It blooms once every 8 to 20 years! But when it does, oh my goodness, it opens up to 5 feet wide, or more, with a single dark-purple petal under a tall central stalk! Can you imagine?! Sometimes our prayers seem to go unanswered for 8 to 20 years here, but when God allows for our season to bloom, boy is it done in a spectacular way!

So, what do we do in the season of wait? We worship. We worship in anticipation of our heavenly harvest to come. We worship even if we don’t see it come in our time because we know He is working it all out for our good. We may not see the harvest on this side of glory but perhaps, as a momma speaking here, our children will reap what we sowed. And if that’s the case, I’m totally fine with continuing to sow good seed and work the grounds for them not to. There is a heavenly legacy being built simultaneously and that's what I call good stewardship.

Father, I thank you for the seeds being planted at this very moment. I thank you for blessing the works of our hands as we tend to the grounds that we have sown into. We know that it takes work to keep our soil free from the weeds of doubt, weeds of distraction, and the weeds of discouragement. Keep us vigilant and aware to not disrupt what is good in the soil as we navigate around the weeds needing to be pulled. Grant us patience as we wait on our harvest. Everything in its season Lord! Harvest time is coming! In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Cultivating prayer with you,

Your little pearl – Perlita

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