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Such a Time

"who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” - Esther 4:14

Looking back on life and the decisions that have brought me to where I am today, can I tell you that I would have never seen myself here, sharing. All the pain, the loss, the tears, anxiety, the emotional rollercoasters of stress, the scars and the lack I’ve experienced, made me appreciate even more, God’s favor on my life. His love for me is so evident. He's positioned me time and time again for countless successes, promotions, lined me up with Godly friends that are intercessors and has released increase over my life. How can I even begin to explain His goodness? I can’t take any credit for it.

Can I tell you that I would gladly go through it all again? Honestly, no. But I am who I am today because of it so I don't take that lightly. I’m humbled and grateful. I’m grateful that He took the ugliness of my past and made something beautiful. He took all that was broken and created an abstract masterpiece. This one of kind design, is me. I’m an original. One can truly place no value on it. I’m priceless. Don’t ever count the hard times out. All the strings that intertwine like a hot mess is my life tapestry backstory. But flip that bad boy over and see the full picture! It all makes sense now. I was made for such a time as this.

Where am I today? Well, I'm positioned. I have been given authority to be a voice to the hopeless that are currently going through the hard times in life. Because I've been through it. I can be a voice of encouragement if you are experiencing loss because I’ve experienced it too. I can tell you that you can come out on the other side of debt, because I have. I can reassure you that you are precious and worthy of love again after being cheated on, abandoned, and divorced because I have, and I know I am loved. I know the pain of not being able to conceive in marriage and I can also tell you of the fear of being an unwed mother, is one of the scariest feelings to go through. But God! I know God still has a plan for you and your baby, because He's shown me mine and God has been faithful to provide. I can tell you that I know taking that leap of faith into the unknown is scary, but if we’re not challenged in our faith, is it faith really?

Please hear what I’m not saying. I’m not saying that my life has no struggles now. However, I can say that I now know where my help comes from.

“My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalms 121:2

The other night, my husband and I were having a conversation, as we were dealing with an issue, [See! I told you I wasn’t problem free, LOL!], I was attempting to encourage him with the Word, and he made a comment that made me think. He said, “It’s easy for you to provide the scripture references because you aren’t going through it right now. But can you still do so when you are?” Going back to my previous statement, I do know where my help comes from. Does that mean I wake up with no worries? Nope! But I know where to start combating those thoughts and ideas when they do come. I begin to resist the devil and the seeds of doubt and lies he tries to sow into me. I anchor myself in the promises of His word and past victories. God has never failed me yet!

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5

So, why do we tend to give the authority given to us by God, over so easily to the enemy? Who or what are the faith killers in your life right now? Take inventory and see who or what is speaking life into your matters or adding fuel to the flames of the issues. Maybe it’s you in somebody else’s life right now. Are you speaking life in their time of need? If not, did you ever consider that because of your words, you are possibly canceling out your own blessing?

Being a person of faith for such a time as this, calls for just that, speaking life, giving hope, sharing the Good News of the word of God with others. Do you believe it? Can you be an advocate for the Lord? Can’t you see that you have been positioned for such a time as this? You are the encourager. Don’t overcomplicate it. Your obedience is all that God has ever asked of us. Believe me, it’s not by our abilities that God works through us. But it’s our inabilities, so He can shine through us!

That’s it! No skills required. We all have a story that is waiting to be told to encourage someone around you. What are you waiting for? This is your time. Take your crowned place of authority daughter of the King and be the blessing to those around you to see God move on their behalf through you. We are not promised tomorrow and tomorrow belongs to God; take that step and look what all He can do!

Positioned for His glory.

Your little pearl - Perlita

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