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Work in Progress

There’s a constant struggle in the mind dealing with stuff that cannot be explained with words. We've got grown folks living life trapped in their childhood, unable to break away from struggles and pain.

I remember as a child I dealt with a speech impediment that would cause me to stutter at times. Did you know that when I feel nervous, I start stuttering, and automatically my mind takes me back to Ms. White’s class? The image of rolling back my tongue and pronouncing "s" with my mouth closed will never leave my mind.

I often think about Moses in the Bible, who also dealt with a stuttering problem. Yet, God called him to liberate His people from Egypt. I can relate to Moses because it seemed he would use every excuse in the book to avoid his calling. In Exodus 3:11, he said, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” Moses had insecurities and an "I'm not good enough" attitude.

Have you ever asked yourself why God would choose you, knowing that you're constantly fighting yourself and can never seem to do things right? In my personal life, I’ve felt that God has used all my shortcomings and mistakes to help others who are presently in that season. So many people wait to get their life straight before doing something for God. Let me tell you today that He actually wants to use you with everything you are.

The Apostle Paul told the Corinthian church in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My power shows up best in weak people.” That right there hits home and needs no explanation. To all my weak people out there, God’s power shows up when supposedly you have nothing to offer. I’ve learned that my life is not mine, but the one who created me in my mother’s womb. Let God be God and let Him perfect Himself in your weaknesses.

Lastly, Paul said in the same verse, “I am glad to be a living demonstration of Christ’s power instead of showing off my own power and abilities."



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